Girl friends are just as great as guy friends.

Girls receive too much shade for being supposed jealous, hormonal creatures.

Not all of us are like that.

When I was in high school, I had very few girl friends and surrounded myself with guys who were great company, but who I ultimately couldn’t fully relate to, at the end of the day.

Now that I’m here, I find myself surrounded by more females who are teaching me to be appreciative of not just the scattering of girl friends I had in high school, but of women in general.*

I don’t mean that I necessarily prefer female friendship over male friendship, I just think that in the past, society and I have both had a tendency to overlook all females as judgmental bitches.

This is not the case!

A girl friend will come and stay with you at a party and make sure you get back home okay. In times of trouble, they’ll grow mama bear claws and get very protective. Even if you can’t appreciate their concern in the moment, you’ll end up looking back and realizing that they just want the best for you.

And at least for me, I’m more comfortable looking like microwaved shit in front of females. Probably because they understand the struggles that range from wearing makeup to getting your period. They’ll take one look at your dark circles and haphazard clothing of choice and get it.

You wanna go shopping? Girls gonna be there to roam the shelves with you and be blatant if something looks bad on you. My guy friends will just grunt and say anything looks fine, and the most chivalrous ones will offer to hold my stuff. Hardy har har.

Finally, and most importantly for me, when the going gets tough for you and you just want someone to listen to you rant, a girlfriend will always be there for you. They’ll probably absorb all of your angry and bitter thoughts and take them with a grain of salt, understanding that people will say spiteful things in times of rage, not meaning it most of the time.

But if ranting is an effective way of letting off steam, then ya girl will be there to listen to every word, providing prompts like, “OMG right?” and “YEAH!”

*I probably shouldn’t make general assumptions about all females as a gender. There are plenty of girls I’ve met that don’t fit this sort of category, and a handful of males that have. I’m just reflecting on these past few weeks that have made me especially grateful for some of the girls that I’ve met so far.

Published by catdiggedydog

Writer at: Never Stationary Cat the Critic The Northwestern Chronicle

6 thoughts on “Girl friends are just as great as guy friends.

  1. My four years of undergrad studies and three of grad school provided for me a range of different types of friends. I found in the undergrad years that close friends could be damaging, so after year two I turned into more of a loner. Upon graduation most of my friends were women who held the same interests that I had. In grad school I had few friends because of the free time after classes were needed for study and research… but the few friends I had were close and we have continued to communicate and see each other on a regular basis. My advice is to have as much fun with the people you know while keeping up your grades. Until a friend has proven to be trustworthy don’t take chances with getting yourself into positions that are dangerous. Just yesterday one of the college students here told me that two out of every five women in her peer group had experienced date rape in the first two years of undergrad work. Don’t let yourself become one of those young ladies.


    1. Dear karmadoc. Wow, thanks for that comment. I guess I don’t understand your logic of waiting until friends prove themselves worthy, because couldn’t they adopt that same logic? And then two people who could potentially be great friends might never really connect because neither of them is willing to give the effort. Friendship is a two-way street, you know?
      I’m in my first quarter of college right now, and I’ve definitely heard of “first quarter friends” and have accepted that I will probably end up making better friends later in my time here and might not ever talk to some of my current “friends” again, though at this point it’s hard to believe some of that.


  2. It’s funny cuz in high school I almost exclusively hung out with girls, although I had a guy friend here and there from other sources (camp, friends of friends, etc). Last year my group was predominantly female, but a huge shift at the end of the year means now I pretty much have my roommate, who is my best girlfriend, and a bunch of guys who are that protective mama-bear role for me.


      1. Yes! They’re so great. One of them in particular is very protective (of everyone, he’s just the nicest guy) but the others have been there at all the right times too.


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